On Monday the 28th November 2011 we undertook the first formal testing of an eRaUI protoype using MSc students at the London Metropolitan University Faculty of Computing. This was a very small initial test and involved 4 students, none of whom had any prior experience of eRaUI or the concepts related to this project.
The testing process consisted of assigning a set of 8 questions to each of the 4 participants. The participants answered a subset of these questions using a proxy version of the NaCTeM website on which the eRaUI widget was embeded, and another subset consisting of a proxy of the website without the widget. eRaUI recording and analysis tools were deployed on both proxy websites. The questions were divided up so that each participant answered 4 questions using the website with the widget and 4 questions on the version without the widget. Users were given a maximum of 2 minutes to complete each question, and the results and completeness of users' answers were recorded so as to allow comparison of the efficacy of embeding the eRaUI widget on the NaCTeM interface as compared to using the interface without the widget.
Upon completion of the 8 questions, participants were asked to complete a quick questionnaire asking questions as to which version of the website facilitated a better perception of user experience. The participants were then invited to give feedback by means of a brief informal spoken interview.
This intitial testing process has yielded some very useful feedback and data which can be analysised so as to best know how to go forward with the research and development of the eRaUI widget tool. Results of this analysis, which will include the recordings produced by the eRaUI analysis tools, are pending and will be disseminated in a forthcoming blog post.
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